Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Saying Goodbye to 2011

I can't believe it's already the last week of 2011. It's so crazy. It went by so fast!
So much changed, yet so much stayed the same.
I decided to start my list of the things that stood out this past year..they are in random order...

25. Grant finally came home after 2 years in Japan.
24. The Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan amazed me, shocked me, saddened me..and made me so grateful for unanswered prayers.
23. The tornado's in Joplin..just amazed me at the power of Nature.
22. Traveling across country in our new car with the boy AND three dogs...
21. Seeing "Graceland"
20. The Heat in the southern part of the USA and having to stop in it..YUCK
19. Charlie Sheen..."WINNING"
18. The end of Oprah..
17. The end of Harry Potter
16. Having to get use to Grant being home..totally awesome!
15. Geran getting his mission call to Japan
14. The earthquake in Virginia
13. The Hurricane on the east coast
12. The Nor'easter in Connecticut
11. The ups and downs of my nieces and nephews
10. Rebecca and Justin announcing their pregnancy
9. All the marriages...
8. The fight over Gay Marriage
7. The end of the war in Iraq
6. My mom getting a new cell phone and butt dialing me.
5. Being in the same town as my baby brother after almost 7 years
4. Casey Anthony being acquitted..(she is soooo totally guilty)
3. Charlie Sheen...not winning
2. Ashton..'nuff said
and the #1 highlight of 2011? Being together with my little family and loving every minute of it!

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