Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weekly Update

Not much news.. except that Macen and I may not be going with Grant to Japan. We don't know for sure yet, but we'll let you know when we know...ya know?
Macen's head is fine after his "incident" at the school. He still has a slight bump, and his cut is slowly healing. He milks it every now and then. You know the old "I can't think about homework 'cuz my head still hurts!" He's going to use that for awhile I think!
I finally finished the last book in the "Twilight" series. Seriously..who let's their daughter marry the first Vampire she meets? ah well...Teenage love stories..I'm getting to old for them!
Grant is getting ready to head to Virginia for school. He's getting excited I think.
That's about it.Like I said, not a lot going on. Keep checking back..you never know what might happen!
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1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Hey, Jeremy has those glasses. Gotta love Nerf protective eye wear! What's going on with Japan? Are they not wanting to send families? Is Grant coming to Norfolk?