Saturday, March 21, 2009

Macen's Accident

On Thursday, Macen's school called to let me know that he had fallen and cut the back of his head. (This being the day after Natasha Richardson had died from a head injury) Grant picked Macen up and met me at the clinic here on base. They were just as concerned as we were, so they had him checked out right away. He got a clean bill of health, but we had to keep him under observation for the rest of the day. He is fine, but it was a long day. Everything he did I was right there to make sure it had nothing to do with the bump. I realize that it doesn't look like much in the picture, but the bump was big, and the cut was ugly!
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LeAnn said...

I'm so glad that Macen is ok!

word verification: trumanti--It's true, Manti is the best!

Tiffany said...

glad he is ok, what a scare. the same thing happened to Karissa this year, and it was right after a kid ended up with a concussion from falling.