Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday My Little Prince

So, today my little man turned 7 years old! I am such a lucky mom! He really made my life so much better than I ever could have imagined! I have been going through old pictures of his life..I remember every single moment. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. He was born on a Sunday. I had been living with my parents in St. George because Grant was in Virginia, and my pregnancy was high risk so I couldn't go with him. On Friday, my Parents has left to go to Death Valley to a bike race. I still had 2 weeks to go, so I wasn't worried. On Saturday I started having a hard time breathing. My beautiful sister -in-law took me to the hospital. They kept me for a little while and then sent me home. Later that night..in fact early into Sunday morning my breathing had gotten much worse. Sara and John took me to the hospital (I still owe them for that) By 2 pm on Sunday, March 3rd 2002 I was getting ready to deliver my little man. We tried to hold off as long as we could so that my mom could make it back. Sure enough, at 3:00 as I was in the operating room my mom walked in, She was wearing something that came out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (since I had been so swollen she had taken to singing "Oompa Loompa" every time she saw me, so the irony of her outfit did not get passed me) She was there helping the doctor's push Macen out of me (Trust me, I remember THAT vividly) at 3:30 pm, Macen came into my life. We called Grant, he was excited, and then I think he took a nap. That evening I got sick. Macen was taken out of my room, and I was taken to the ICU. I don't remember much except that when I wolk up on Tuesday I had tubes helping me breathe. My cute husband had rushed to St. George and the first thing I remember was seeing him coming down the hospital hallway. He took care of Macen. The nurses would tell me how cute he and Macen were together. They released Macen before I was released. Grant was so tired that first night that my mom took Macen into her room..I don't think she minded very much! Anyway, the rest, as they say, is history. I got better, and Macen is my little miracle!
Happy Happy Birthday my man!

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