Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What I'm Thankful For (Day 2)

I am thankful for my family..all of 'em. I am the fourth child in the Wadley family. Lately I've been telling Macen stories about when I was young. He always says, "You really had it made!" After laughing at him for sounding like a grown-up, I realize how right he is. I am lucky. My family is so much fun!
First, my parents..two completely different personalities. My dad, serious, analytical, a little shy, and very brilliant. My mom..outgoing, fun, faithful, amazingly talented, and loving.
My oldest brother Bill, the BEST older brother anyone could ask for. He is one of my heros..but don't tell him that..I have to keep his ego in check!
My oldest sister Tracie..loving, fun beautiful, big hearted, and so much fun to be around.
My sister Kim, incredibly smart, talented, fun..she has the best laugh in the whole family.
Then we have my brother John. Truly my best friend. I adore this man. He has my back, and I have his. I could not ask for a better baby brother. He and I laugh that we share a brain..he got the good half I think!
Each one of them has brought in a new member or more. All of my "in-laws" are amazing. They all deserve a shout out, and I will save that for another day on my list..
To all my family, thank you for all that you are, all that you've done. You mean the world to me, and I wouldn't trade any of you (even you John..and when we were little, I tried to trade you...)
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1 comment:

Tasting Tiffany said...

Thank youu for being you