Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Freedom is never Free

My friend sent this to me the other day. I have seen these pictures many times, but for some reason I never really looked at them. I think today is the first time that I REALLY saw them. The men and women who are fighting are the bravest in the world. They fight for people that they don't know. I realized today how very grateful I am for my husband and for his brother's and sisters in the armed services.
No matter what your stance is on the war, you need to show them the love and respect that they deserve..Pray for the war to end, for no more lives to be lost, and for these men and women to come home soon.
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1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I don't think that anyone who hasn't served or who had a close someone serve will ever appreciate the sacrifice that these wonderful people do. I have always enjoyed looking at these pictures as well, the one with the guy crying ALWAYS makes my tears flow.