Saturday, January 28, 2012

Weekly(ish) Update

Sleepovers, Birthday Parties, Anniversary, Doctor's appointments...what a crazy few weeks!

Macen went to a birthday party last Saturday. Maria is a girl in his class who is also a neighbor. He calls her his girlfriend..but not THAT kind of girlfriend. She is a girl who is a friend. (He reminds me of this every day!) After the party, she and her sister came to our house to play. If I could have recorded them I would have won $10, 000 on America's Funniest Video's.

Grant celebrated 20 years in the Navy this week. I am so stinkin' proud of him! He's ready to retire, but I think he'll miss the daily Navy life.

Macen had his second sleep over. It's nice to see him making friends. I was so tired the next day that I swore the next time, Grant gets to be in charge

We had Macen's doctor's appointment to get his medication. If you haven't already checked out his blog you should. The doctor wants him to keep a journal of his experiences. Macen is pretty funny. He didn't want to go on any medication. When I asked him why he said "Because now I can't tell the teacher my Asperger's is acting up."

Grant is still underway. He's probably not going to make it home for his Birthday. (We just realized he has missed celebrating his birthday with us for most of out married life)

I'm doing well. I miss Grant, but Macen keeps me busy. This winter in Virgina has been snow free so I'm happy about that.

Well, that's about it. We love you all!! Drop me a line to let me know how you're doing

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