Tuesday, November 4, 2008


My fellow Americans,
Today, for the first time in 8 years, my vote actually counted! The man that I voted for will be leading this country.
For those of you who are disappointed, I'd like to say that I'm sorry, but I won't. I truly believe that the best man won. I have no hard feelings toward Sen. McCain. He is a hero, and a true leader. He said it himself, "Now is the time to come together."
I believe that the time has come for our country to stop looking in the past, and start looking toward the future. From where I stand, it looks bright, it looks hopeful, it looks promising.
I have decided that I won't apologize for being a Democrat. My husband, members of my family, and several of my friends are Republicans and I have learned so much from them, and I hope that they have learned some things from me. I have learned that when it comes down to it, we all want the same things. I hope that those who have been closed minded to other views will now open their minds to a new idea. I hope that they take part in the changes that are about to happen, and most of all, I hope that they continue to keep the faith that America can once again be "One Nation, Under God."
I am proud that the lies, half truths and innuendo's that have plagued this campaign did not accomplish the travesty they tried to achieve. I am proud that people looked beyond race, sex, and creed to make an educated vote. I am proud that my son lives in a time where anyone who has the desire can run for office. I am proud to be able to show my son that no matter what he believes he can and will have a voice in this country.
As I sit here, blogging this wonderful event, I am listening to President elect Obama speak of a better tomorrow, of a country once again becoming "United" I hope that those of you who didn't vote for him will open your hearts and minds and listen, and not hold a grudge. It is time that we become one country. Not red states or blue states, not Democrats or Republicans, but AMERICANS. We're in this together. We want the best, and if we work hard we will achieve it. Don't worry about the taxes, the wars, the energy crisis..We can and will conquer those monsters. We have a voice..never forget that. If you speak, someone will hear. Have patience, have hope, but most of all, have love and fortitude. We are a country that has been blessed since it was founded. We have overcome slavery, bigotry, and sexism. We have fought wars, we have conquered space, we have begun to cure illnesses that have plagued humans for centuries. We are an amazing people. Let us join forces and continue down a path of new discoveries.
God Bless America.....


LeAnn said...

Shanna! I'm glad that you and many others around the country are happy with the outcome of the election. I think it's great that Obama brought so much hope to so many people. I voted for the old guy with a few important issues in mind but that doesn't mean I won't respect Obama as the leader of our nation.

Tiffany said...

You are better than I am Leann, I'm really not a happy camper in regards to the new Pres.

Lance Flake said...

This new presidential selection will also ensure that certain commands and military personnel spend more time in Iraq. I will email you when I get a chance to come home.