Monday, September 1, 2008

Weekly Update

Happy Labor Day everyone! What a great weekend! Fallon loves the Labor Day holiday. We had our annual "Hearts of Gold" cantaloupe festival. We went Saturday afternoon. We had such a great time..Good food, Good times! We went on a few rides..(see the pictures below)
The parade was today, and it was awesome!
I got my hair cut (REALLY SHORT) and I love it! It takes 5 minutes to do! Work is fun. I'm still learning my responsibilities though. The PTO is coming along. I've picked my helpers, and we'll have out first meeting real soon. The tough part of soccer is over so now I can just sit back and enjoy the rest of the season.
Macen is doing great in school. He takes the bus now (Which is killing me..I hate not taking him to school) He goes to the youth activity center for about an hour after school, and he has soccer 2 times a week still...He's a little tired when Friday rolls around.
Grant is as busy as ever. I think he's ready for his hunting trip to Idaho. He still gets up on Tuesdays and Thursdays to work with the Chief Selects, and he helps me with all of the soccer things that have to be done. The poor man needs a vacation!
My in-laws have been working on their shop on their property. It's amazing. I may have to make a blog of the progress so all of you can see how beautiful it has become!
My parents got the shed up at their property. I haven't seen how it looks (pictures mom and dad) but they seem very excited!
Casey and Pam got orders a little while back. They'll be heading to California soon. I hate seeing them go..even though I've see Pam for about 5 minutes over the past month! (Pam, we're gonna have to get together soon! With CAKE)
That's about it. Drop me a line to let me know what's new in your lives...
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1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Fun times!!! We never made it to the Hearts of Gold festival. But I do remember the Labor Day parade. The people in that city go crazy with the candy. We went home with 5 pounds of candy after the parade.

The soccer float looks awesome!

Sounds like you guys are doing great (other than the tummy troubles).