Monday, May 19, 2008

My Bucket List (part 1)

Here it is: Part 1 of my bucket list. It's been great hearing from old friends who gave me great suggestions. A huge thanks to Nan who helped me along with the "Wish List" These are in no particular order.

1. Get back to Maine for the Camp Waziyatah reunion. (Dru and Mist..I'm there..just tell me when)
2. Ladies weekend with the girls.
3. A cruise to ANYWHERE
4. A complete Wadley reunion.
4. Take a trip to Navoo, Kirtland, and Palmyra
5.Read a book every week
6. Float down the Truckee river
7. Bungee jump
8.Go mountain climbing
9. Get over my fear of Horses
10. Go to Sea World and actually get close to the Shark tank....(John, you know this one may kill me)
11.Step on a scale and not curse the Fat Gods
12.Use my time wisely
13. Learn to box
14. Take Dance lessons
15. Actually learn about Soccer
16. Start saving for my trip to Europe
17. Vote...
18. Decide what I want ot be when I grow up
19. Dance in a rain storm
20. Learn Sign Language
21. Do a Random Act of Kindness every day
22. Say hi to my neighbors
23.See my family more than once a year!
24. Lose 75 lbs...
25. Bribe my doctor for the lap band so that I can accomplish #24
26. If I don't accomplish #24 or #25, buy a lot of red fur and become Mrs. Clause and be happy about it!
27. Spend more time playing with Macen
28. Spend more time enjoying my husband
29. Go to the St. George temple with my mom and dad
30. Sheer a sheep
31. Milk a cow
32. Go bone-digging
33. Clean a cemetary
34. call my friend Beth at least once a month
35. Visit Texas.. (I'm so bad, I mess with Texas)
36. watch a bird hatch
37. Give everyone a chance to be a friend
38. go shopping with Pam and Courtney
39. look into adoption...
40. Have a house that people love to visit!
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