Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yorktown Beach

This is my favorite beach in the whole wide world..okay, maybe not the WHOLE world, but at least in Virginia. It is 5 minutes down the road from our house. The local pub is here, and the history is amazing. For those of you who have not brushed up on history, this is the place where the British surrendered thereby ending the Revolutionary war. The British had bombed this beach (which was a trade area back in the day) thinking that it would stop our allies from getting here.. The French showed up just in time, and with George Washington on the south side, they cornered the British.. (Watch "The Patriot" for a more dramatic view) anyway, Cornwallis actually held up in a cave and sent a subordinate to sign the Surrender...the cave is still here..and if you ever feel like a visit, I would love to take you here!

The brothers!

The Surrender!
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