Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Boys!

This wes the best Christmas! Having Grant home was all I wanted. The 2 weeks flew by. Macen couldn't get enough of Grant. Everything was "Mom, I'm talking to dad, not you" or "Hey Dad, Hey Dad, Hey Dad" One night I told Macen it was time for bed. Grant was in Macen's room playing a 360 game. Macen said to me "I can't go to bed. Dad is in there playing a game. It would be rude for me to tell him to stop..after all, he does pay the bills" (Those of you who have Facebook heard that story before, but I had to repeat it because it makes me laugh)
We sent Grant back to Japan today and it's been very sad in the Caufield home. I had forgotten that I have the most fun when my husband is around. Even the mundane things like grocery shopping tends to be fun when Grant is with me!

For all those who are reading my humble little blog..Merry Merry Christmas.
May you find the peace and joy that this season brings.
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1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Shanna! I love your blog updates!!! Sure, I stalk you on facebook but sometimes it's just not the same. :) I'm glad you had a very merry Christmas!!!