Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lucas Oil and Octane Fest

This past weekend, our little town of Fallon held it's annual Octane Fest. It's huge! We have a raceway on the outskirts of town called "Top Gun" (appropriately enough) Cars from all over come for 3 days of racing. One of the big racers happens to like Grant so he let Macen get in his car. (I truly believe that Macen will be a race car driver when he gets older)
Here's some of the Chiefs. Every year the CPOA (Chief Petty Officer Association) gets to work at the races. They make good money and have a great time. Macen and I help Grant sell ice. (It's a very hot weekend and no one has time to go to town to buy ice, so we do it for them) Macen loves it, and I have a fun time checking out the sights!
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