Tuesday, December 13, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Deployment

okay, let me preface this posting by saying that I wrote this poem. It's not very good, but I never said I was a poet. I have been blessed these few months of having my husband home with me. I had missed him for 2 very long years, and I am not looking forward to another deployment. That being said..I am a Navy Wife and will face the deployment head on! Two very dear friends of mine are with out their cute husbands for a little while. Cindy's amazing husband is doing his Seabee thing in a far away country, and every day I am amazed at her strength as she keeps her family together. My other dear friend Felicia just sent her husband off for a change of Port adventure..I can't imagine not having my husband home for Christmas, but she's so strong. She always has a smile, and even if she only gets to talk to him for a minute, she says it's worth it.

My amazing friend Pam has been a sailors wife for 30 years, and has weathered more deployments than I can imagine, and she did it with such class, such dignity, that she became my role model. She should be the role model for every Navy wife. So, to these women, I dedicate this poem to you..and to all other Military wives..Thank you for your service!

Twas the night before deployment

and all through the house

not a person was sleeping,

especially his spouse.

His bags were all packed

and sat by the door

His day almost over

He wanted one more

To tell his sweet wife

how much he would miss

the time they had together

and to give her a kiss

His children he hugged

held them tight to his chest

and telling each one

that they were the best.

He spoke of his love

to everyone in the home

including the dog

who was chewing a bone.

Then off to bed for one last night

of sound sleeping, and cuddling

and feeling so right.

He turned to his wife

said "I love you"once more

and giving a nod

he started to snore.

His wife stayed awake

keeping her gaze on this man

who was risking his life

she was his biggest fan.

She loved this man

she loved him so much

this man with great honor

she'd miss his sweet touch.

She got out of bed,

knelt down on the floor

and bowing her head

she began to implore

"Dear God" she cried

"Protect my sweet Sailor

bring him home safe and sound

six months from now

and not a day later.

Let him Know that I love him

that he's always on my mind

and no greater person

will I ever find.

Dear God, she continued

please be with me

to keep me strong

like he wants me to be.

Help me be brave

when things get tough.

help me be wise

when I think I've had enough.

I promise to be faithful,

loving and kind

I promise to write

everyday, online.

And God she asked

protect the others

the moms, the dads

the sisters, the brothers

Let them be safe,

give them belief.

let time pass quickly.

give them relief.

She said "Amen"

wiped away a tear

looked at her man

and lost all her fear

"Don't worry" she whispered

"all will be well

I love you more than life.

Much more than I can tell.

I'll be here waiting

like all the times before

I'll be here waiting

'til I don't have to anymore."


Brittney said...

just decided to check out your family blog. What a great poem!! Love it! You are talented.

Anonymous said...

Great poem. I know the feeling all too well