Saturday, December 31, 2011
Happy New Year

Thursday, December 29, 2011
New Years Resolutions

Yup, it's that time of the year..New Years Resolutions...
we'll see if I can do better this year.
Some will be easy, some will be hard..
but I will try to keep all of them.
1. I promise to cut back on my Diet Coke intake. I will try to quit all-together by the end of the year.
2. I promise to be less sarcastic with people I disagree with.
3. I promise to exercise at least 20 minutes every day
4. I promise to try one new recipe every week
5. I promise to keep my blogs updated
6. I promise to go to the beach more often
7. I promise to travel to see friends and family as often as possible
8. I promise to save 10% of our paychecks
9. I promise to NOT mock silly close minded people
10. I promise to speak my mind.
11. I promise to stand up for what I believe
12. I promise to try and go to church without complaining
13. I promise to live the way I know I should
14. I promise to stay off my cell phone while I am driving
15. I will watch less TV
16. I will be less judgemental
17. I WILL go back to school
18. I will try and cut back on my swearing (TRY, not promise)
19. I will help Macen do better in school
20. I will support my husband in his decisions
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saying Goodbye to 2011

So much changed, yet so much stayed the same.
I decided to start my list of the things that stood out this past year..they are in random order...
25. Grant finally came home after 2 years in Japan.
24. The Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan amazed me, shocked me, saddened me..and made me so grateful for unanswered prayers.
23. The tornado's in Joplin..just amazed me at the power of Nature.
22. Traveling across country in our new car with the boy AND three dogs...
21. Seeing "Graceland"
20. The Heat in the southern part of the USA and having to stop in it..YUCK
19. Charlie Sheen..."WINNING"
18. The end of Oprah..
17. The end of Harry Potter
16. Having to get use to Grant being home..totally awesome!
15. Geran getting his mission call to Japan
14. The earthquake in Virginia
13. The Hurricane on the east coast
12. The Nor'easter in Connecticut
11. The ups and downs of my nieces and nephews
10. Rebecca and Justin announcing their pregnancy
9. All the marriages...
8. The fight over Gay Marriage
7. The end of the war in Iraq
6. My mom getting a new cell phone and butt dialing me.
5. Being in the same town as my baby brother after almost 7 years
4. Casey Anthony being acquitted..(she is soooo totally guilty)
3. Charlie Sheen...not winning
2. Ashton..'nuff said
and the #1 highlight of 2011? Being together with my little family and loving every minute of it!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
And to all a Good Night

And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Peace, good will toward men.
Merry Christmas to all of my Friends and Family..and to anyone who reads this blog. May you have the Spirit Of Christmas to be with you.
Friday, December 23, 2011
The Three Wise Men

I love the story of the Three Wise men. I love the fact that they waited year after year for the birth of Jesus. I love that they followed a single star, night after night until they had finished their quest.
I think it's important to note that they were not there in the stable on that first night. It took awhile to find this boy named Jesus. They never lost faith, even though there had to have been times that it would have been easier to turn around and go home..back to their riches and worldly goods...but they didn't.
I think we can learn from these men. We may not have been there in the stable, but we can still find him..if we search, if we have faith.
To quote one of my favorite Forgotten Carols:
Somewhere beneath the glitter
That comes this time of winter
In many souls there is a cry
They may not clearly say it
But in their hearts they pray it
And you can see it in their eyes
'I cannot find my way
I cannot find my way
I cannot find my way at all
There are so many voices
So many different choices,
I cannot find my way at all.'
There were three kings
Who followed the star
Of Bethlehem
They came from afar
To praise and honor Him
His light
which beckoned them to see
The Lord of Man
It calls to you,
It calls to me
We're not alone,
We have a star
And it shines today
The love that He gave
Teaches how
And shows the way
That light,it's clear to see
If we have faith and believe
Three kings found the Lord
And so can we...
This season, and every day throughout the year, my hope is that each of us can find our way..to what ever it is that makes you happy.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The Little Drummer Boy Got It Right

While shopping today for Christmas dinner I was amazed at how much "stuff" is out there for gifts. Things advertised "Under $10, Under $20" Things for the Tech Geek..Things for the Fashonista..Things for everyone on your list...It actually made me a little sad. Christmas isn't about the gifts, at least those kind of gifts. This year I really don't want anything, at least not anything from a store. iPad 2? Awesome..don't want it. A new smartphone? My old dumb phone is fine. New clothes? I like my old ones just fine...What I want doesn't come from a store. What I want is simple. I want my family to be safe. I want my friends to be happy. Having Grant home with me on Christmas day is perfect. Having my amazing son happy? Couldn't ask for more.
Driving home from the dreaded store, I heard one of my most favorite Christmas carols of all time (and if you turn on your speaker, the song should be playing in the background) "The Little Drummer Boy" makes me smile every time I hear it. Today, it meant even more. Today, it showed me what a real gift is.
This little boy has nothing of earthly value to give the new born King, so he gives his talent. His God given talent. What better gift is there?
Macen doing well in school, being kind, using his manners is a fantastic gift. When Grant makes dinner, of takes out the trash without being asked..that is an AMAZING gift. When a person gives of themselves, there is nothing better. Maybe it's because I'm old, or maybe it's because I truly have everything I need, I don't know..but whatever the reason, I don't need anything under the tree.All I need is sitting around the tree with me! So, while you open your gifts this year, remember, the greatest gift isn't wrapped in paper....
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christmas Town at Busch Gardens
Last week we braved the cold to go to Christmas Town up at Busch Gardens. It was AWESOME! Lights everywhere, fun rides, good food and great company....Macen kicked serious butt on the rides..once he got over the fear of the dreaded swinging boat ride! We had a fantastic time! We are soooo ready for Christmas now!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
'Twas the Night Before Deployment

okay, let me preface this posting by saying that I wrote this poem. It's not very good, but I never said I was a poet. I have been blessed these few months of having my husband home with me. I had missed him for 2 very long years, and I am not looking forward to another deployment. That being said..I am a Navy Wife and will face the deployment head on! Two very dear friends of mine are with out their cute husbands for a little while. Cindy's amazing husband is doing his Seabee thing in a far away country, and every day I am amazed at her strength as she keeps her family together. My other dear friend Felicia just sent her husband off for a change of Port adventure..I can't imagine not having my husband home for Christmas, but she's so strong. She always has a smile, and even if she only gets to talk to him for a minute, she says it's worth it.
My amazing friend Pam has been a sailors wife for 30 years, and has weathered more deployments than I can imagine, and she did it with such class, such dignity, that she became my role model. She should be the role model for every Navy wife. So, to these women, I dedicate this poem to you..and to all other Military wives..Thank you for your service!
Twas the night before deployment
and all through the house
not a person was sleeping,
especially his spouse.
His bags were all packed
and sat by the door
His day almost over
He wanted one more
To tell his sweet wife
how much he would miss
the time they had together
and to give her a kiss
His children he hugged
held them tight to his chest
and telling each one
that they were the best.
He spoke of his love
to everyone in the home
including the dog
who was chewing a bone.
Then off to bed for one last night
of sound sleeping, and cuddling
and feeling so right.
He turned to his wife
said "I love you"once more
and giving a nod
he started to snore.
His wife stayed awake
keeping her gaze on this man
who was risking his life
she was his biggest fan.
She loved this man
she loved him so much
this man with great honor
she'd miss his sweet touch.
She got out of bed,
knelt down on the floor
and bowing her head
she began to implore
"Dear God" she cried
"Protect my sweet Sailor
bring him home safe and sound
six months from now
and not a day later.
Let him Know that I love him
that he's always on my mind
and no greater person
will I ever find.
Dear God, she continued
please be with me
to keep me strong
like he wants me to be.
Help me be brave
when things get tough.
help me be wise
when I think I've had enough.
I promise to be faithful,
loving and kind
I promise to write
everyday, online.
And God she asked
protect the others
the moms, the dads
the sisters, the brothers
Let them be safe,
give them belief.
let time pass quickly.
give them relief.
She said "Amen"
wiped away a tear
looked at her man
and lost all her fear
"Don't worry" she whispered
"all will be well
I love you more than life.
Much more than I can tell.
I'll be here waiting
like all the times before
I'll be here waiting
'til I don't have to anymore."
Monday, December 12, 2011
Silent Night

Last night the internet went off. The Cable was acting funny . I got tired of dealing with it all so I turned everything off, and then, something happened...my house was silent. The boy was fast asleep. The dogs were all in their beds dreaming of dog bones I'm sure. Grant was underway. The neighbors weren't outside smoking and laughing (or fighting for that matter) It was silent. It was peaceful. The Christmas lights outside were twinkly. My Christmas tree was beautiful. It was a Silent night. I think I finally understand the Christmas carol. 42 years, and I finally got it.
I thought about the "original" silent night. There were no electronic devices. There were no planes flying over head. There were no Marines setting off explosives. It was Silent. The only noise was that of nature, of humanity. Cattle mooing, sheep sheeping, chickens clucking, and a baby crying. That baby is what made the night become holy. That baby came into the world the normal way. No one twittered, or Facebooked, or even blogged. It happened, and those who were waiting for a sign got one..not by an iPhone, but by Angels..and a single star.
We get so caught up in the sounds of this season we forget the reason for the season. It wasn't a huge celebration on that first night, it was quiet, it was calm.. I keep thinking of that saying "Be still, and know that I am" It started on that first Silent, Holy night. The world was calm. The world was still. We need to find that calmness in our lives, not just during this season, but every day. We may not get to be Silent, but we can keep the Holy in our hearts.
So, today, I wish all of you a Silent, Holy night. Let the Reason for the Season be with you.
We get so caught up in the sounds of this season we forget the reason for the season. It wasn't a huge celebration on that first night, it was quiet, it was calm.. I keep thinking of that saying "Be still, and know that I am" It started on that first Silent, Holy night. The world was calm. The world was still. We need to find that calmness in our lives, not just during this season, but every day. We may not get to be Silent, but we can keep the Holy in our hearts.
So, today, I wish all of you a Silent, Holy night. Let the Reason for the Season be with you.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
How The Grinch Saved Christmas!

"He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. Maybe Christmas, he thought... doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps... means a little bit more!"
Every year since I can remember, I have watched the original "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
I love it. I know it by heart. I think Dr. Seuss showed the true meaning of Christmas with this story. My Christmas wouldn't be the same if I didn't watch this show.
When I was a little girl I remember my moms friend "Ma Dip" (yes, that's what we called her) would come over and tell us this story..she didn't read it..she told it to us from memory. It was so great. I remember getting lost in the story as she told it. I loved those times. She did it every year..even as I got older and thought I was too "Cool" for Christmas, I would always get excited when Ma Dip did her thing.
I realized, much later in life, that Ma Dip's telling of the Grinch kept my Christmas spirit alive. I figured if an "old lady" could have the Christmas spirit, then so could I. Her telling that story every year, kept the "Grinchyness" out of my heart.
When I see what greed can do to Christmas, and I start feeling a little "Grinchy" I read the story to my son, or we watch it on TV, and I remember that Christmas comes without ribbons. It comes without tags. It comes without packages, boxes, or bags! Christmas comes no matter what. It comes because the Spirit of Christmas will never really die. It might get lost on occasion, but we find it. We feel it, even when we try not to. Christmas means more. The Grinch discovered it at the last possible moment..I know that all of us can...and gather together to carve the roast beast!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
The Lovers, the Dreamers, and Me: Why I love the Muppets

Yesterday, Grant, Macen and I went to see the new Muppets Movie. I have loved the Muppets since I was a little girl watching Sesame Street, and I wanted Macen to see them on the big screen. It was AWESOME! Watching Macen, as he hoped that Kermit would get the group together, smiling at the newest Muppet, Walter, laughing at Fozzy, giggling at Swedish Chef, cracking up at Beeker, and cheering at the happy ending, was the best part of my day.
I think the Muppets are celebrity icons. I think they are amazing role models.
Kermit is the original in my eyes..he was a natural born leader. He put up with a whole lotta crazy, and he never gave up..and he still doesn't..He rocks.. He loves Miss Piggy even with all her faults.. (Grant is my Kermie!)
Miss Piggy (who, by the way, is my FAVORITE) taught me that it was okay to speak my mind, to go after what I want..I love her. She likes to be the center of attention (hmm..sound familiar?) She can stand on her own, but she'd rather stand with the people (or Frog as the case may be) that she loves. I think girls should look to her for a role model..instead of a crazy teenager who changes just to be with a sparkly Vampire!
Animal..what an insane Muppet..and he is fantastic..He loves what he does and he does it with passion!
Scooter..the original back bone! He keeps things together..(And Nan, if you're reading this..he reminds me of you!)
The newest Muppet, Walter, was so great in the movie. He had to find his place by being himself. What a great lesson for everyone!
All the Muppets are amazing characters. Each are individuals that together make an amazing family. Each have personalities that touch people, young and old.
I love the Muppets. They are the true celebrities of our day!
So, Cheers to Jim Henson and the furry creatures he created..and God bless the Muppets..
Sunday, December 4, 2011
What a beautiful morning!
To quote my great late Grandma Johnson."What a GRAND and GLORIOUS day!" Winter chill is upon us here in Yorktown, but I don't mind so much on mornings like this. I love Sundays. My husband is home after a very long non stop work week, and I get the whole day with him. Macen is happy and warm, and just so funny. My dogs aren't barking..in fact they are all still sleeping. I love it! I got up this morning to let the dogs out and looked at the most beautiful sky. The leaves have mostly fallen to the ground, but a few are hanging on just to give the skyline a bit of color. I came in and looked at my beautiful Christmas tree and remembered how awesome Christmas was in the Wadley home, and how awesome it has been in the Caufield home. Life is good. So today, take time to notice your blessing, the beauty of life, the world..the awesomeness of being alive, and the magic of the Holiday season. God Bless all of you!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Why I love Rudolph

Every year at Christmas time my son and I will sit and watch many many many Holiday shows. We love 'em all. "A Christmas Story" "The Year Without A Santa Claus" "It's A Wonderful Life" "Frosty the Snowman" "The Grinch" But our most favorite is "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"
Macen has watched it so many times he knows it by heart. We quote it, we sing it's songs..We love it.
When I was little I loved it for different reasons..now that I am older, I see how important the show is. It talks about being different, it talks about bullying, it talks about striking out on your own to find your way home. It talks about how things are not always what they seem, and it talks about the importance of being yourself.
I believe that Rudolph is a lesson for everyone..and a fun one at that!
A few years ago I came across a story about the author of Rudolph. I don't know if it's totally true, but I'd like to think so. I have decided to share it with you..it made me love Rudolph even more..I hope it does the same to you!
Rudolph - That Amazing Reindeer
Author Unknown
Author Unknown
On a December night in Chicago several years ago, a little girl climbed onto her father's lap and asked a question. It was a simple question, asked in children's curiosity, yet it had a heartrending effect on Robert May."Daddy," four-year-old Barbara asked, "Why isn't my Mommy just like everybody else's mommy?"Bob May stole a glance across his shabby two room apartment. On a couch lay his young wife, Evelyn, racked with cancer. For two years she had been bedridden; for two years, all Bob's income and smaller savings had gone to pay for treatments and medicines.The terrible ordeal already had shattered two adult lives. Now Bob suddenly realized the happiness of his growing daughter was also in jeopardy. As he ran his fingers through Barbara's hair, he prayed for some satisfactory answer to her question.Bob May knew only too well what it meant to be "different." As a child he had been weak and delicate. With the innocent cruelty of children, his playmates had continually goaded the stunted, skinny lad to tears. Later at Dartmouth, from which he was graduated in 1926, Bob May was so small that he was always being mistaken for someones little brother.Nor was his adult life much happier. Unlike many of his classmates who floated from college into plush jobs, Bob became a lowly copy writer for Montgomery Ward, the big Chicago mail order house. Now at 33 Bob was deep in debt, depressed and sad.Although Bob did not know it at the time, the answer he gave the tousled haired child on his lap was to bring him to fame and fortune. It was also to bring joy to countless thousands of children like his own Barbara. On that December night in the shabby Chicago apartment, Bob cradled his little girl's head against his shoulder and began to tell a story..."Once upon a time there was a reindeer named Rudolph, the only reindeer in the world that had a big red nose. Naturally people called him Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer." As Bob went on to tell about Rudolph, he tried desperately to communicate to Barbara the knowledge that, even though some creatures of God are strange and different, they often enjoy the miraculous power to make others happy.Rudolph, Bob explained, was terribly embarrassed by his unique nose. Other reindeer laughed at him; his mother and father and sister were mortified too. Even Rudolph wallowed in self pity."Well," continued Bob, "one Christmas Eve, Santa Claus got his team of husky reindeer - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen ready for their yearly trip around the world. The entire reindeer community assembled to cheer these great heroes on their way. But a terrible fog engulfed the earth that evening, and Santa knew that the mist was so thick he wouldn't be able to find any chimneys.Suddenly Rudolph appeared, his red nose glowing brighter than ever. Santa sensed at once that here was the answer to his perplexing problem. He led Rudolph to the front of the sleigh, fastened the harness and climbed in. They were off! Rudolph guided Santa safely to every chimney that night. Rain and fog, snow and sleet; nothing bothered Rudolph, for his bright nose penetrated the mist like a beacon.And so it was that Rudolph became the most famous and beloved of all the reindeer. The huge red nose he once hid in shame was now the envy of every buck and doe in the reindeer world. Santa Claus told everyone that Rudolph had saved the day, and from that Christmas, Rudolph has been living serenely and happy."Little Barbara laughed with glee when her father finished. Every night she begged him to repeat the tale until finally Bob could rattle it off in his sleep. Then, at Christmas time he decided to make the story into a poem like "The Night Before Christmas" and prepare it in bookish form, illustrated with pictures for Barbara's personal gift. Night after night, Bob worked on the verses after Barbara had gone to bed. For he was determined his daughter should have a worthwhile gift, even though he could not afford to buy one...Then as Bob was about to put the finishing touches on Rudolph, tragedy struck. Evelyn May died. Bob, his hopes crushed, turned to Barbara as chief comfort. Yet, despite his grief, he sat at his desk in the quiet, now lonely apartment, and worked on "Rudolph" with tears in his eyes.Shortly after Barbara had cried with joy over his handmade gift on Christmas morning, Bob was asked to an employee's holiday party at Montgomery Wards. He didn't want to go, but his office associates insisted. When Bob finally agreed, he took with him the poem and read it to the crowd. First the noisy throng listened in laughter and gaiety. Then they became silent, and at the end, broke into spontaneous applause. That was in 1938.By Christmas of 1947, some 6,000,000 copies of the booklet had been given away or sold, making Rudolph one of the most widely distributed books in the world. The demand for Rudolph sponsored products increased so much in variety and number that educators and historians predicted Rudolph would come to occupy a permanent place in the Christmas legend. Through the years of unhappiness, the tragedy of his wife's death and his ultimate success with Rudolph, Bob May has captured a sense of serenity. And as each Christmas rolls around he recalls with thankfulness the night when his daughter Barbara's questions inspired him to write the story.
So, as the season progresses, and Rudolph is on TV
sit down with your family and watch it...and remember, you are perfect, just the way you are!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Baby Dudley! We are soooo excited to meet you!

Oh Becca! I am so excited for you! It seems like yesterday you were that cute little two year old flirting with the Simsbury High Football team! And now, you are going to be a mommy! Not just any mom..but an awesomely great one! I am so proud of you and the choices you have made..especially the decision to make me a Great Aunt..( I know I am already Great, but now it's an official title)
Justin..my man..I am so excited for you too. What a dad you will be.
Grandpa Bill and Grandma Gina..congratulations..you will ROCK as Grandparents!
Rachael, Matthew..Get ready to have the most fun. Being an Aunt to you all has been one of the greatest blessings in my life.
When I told Macen the news he cheered, smiled and said..when "she" (He thinks it will be a girl) gets here, I better be there to show her the way... Then in his prayer asked Heavenly Father to be with you so that the baby will be "coolio" I don't know if that's good or bad, but we're all so excited to have a new member in this crazy family of ours!
We have much to do, many bets to take..so get ready for the greatest and hardest ride of your life!
Becca, I love you so much..Good Luck, God Speed..and welcome to the mommy club!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Alphie The Christmas tree

Did you ever hear the story of the christmas tree
Who just didn't want to change the show?
He liked living in the woods and playing with squirrels
He liked icycles and snow
He liked wolves and eagles and grizzly bears
And critters and creatures that crawled
Why bugs were some of his very best friends
Spiders and ants and all
Now that's not to say that he ever looked down
On a vision of twinkled lights
Or on mirrored bubbles and peppermint canes
And a thousand other delights
And he often had dreams of tiny reindeer
And a jolly old man in a sleigh
Full of toys and presents and wonderful things
And a story of christmas day
Oh, alfie believed in christmas alright
He was full of christmas cheer
All of each and every day
And all throughout the year
To him it was more than a special time
Much more than a special day
It was more than a special story,
It was a special kind of way
You see some folks have never heard a jingle bell ring
And they've never heard of Santa Claus
They've never heard the story of the son of God
That made Alfie pause
Did that mean that they'd never know of peace on earth
Or the brotherhood of man
Or know how to love, or know how to give
If they can't no one can
You see, life is a very special kind of thing
Not just for a chosen few
But for each and every living, breathing thing
Not just me and you
So in your christmas prayers this yearAlfie
asked me if I'd ask you
Say a prayer for the wind and the water and the wood
And those who live there too
We believe in Santa Claus

I believe in Santa. No matter how old I get I still believe. Not so much in the tiny reindeer, the jolly old man..but I believe in the SPIRIT of Santa Claus. I believe in the love that he has. I believe in the spirit of giving that is Santa Claus. I believe that Santa Claus bring about the magical part of this season. I believe that Santa gives children of all ages a reason to hope. I believe in Santa Claus. Merry Christmas to all...and to all a good night.
from The Year Without a Santa Claus
Music: Maury Laws Lyrics: Jules Bass
Music: Maury Laws Lyrics: Jules Bass
I believe in Santa Claus
Like I believe in love
I believe in Santa Claus
And everything he does
There's no question in my mind
That he does exist
Just like love I know he's there
Waiting to be missed
I believe in Santa Claus
But there was a time
I thought I had grown to old
For such a childish rhyme
He became a dream to me
Till one Christmas night
Someone stood beside my bed
With a beard of white
"So you're too old for Santa Claus"?
He said with a smile
Then you're too old for all the things
That make a life worth while
For what is happiness but dreams
and do they all come true
Look at me and tell me, son
What is real to you?
Just believe in Santa Claus
Like you believe in love
Just believe in Santa Claus
And everything he does
Wipe that question from your mind
Yes, he does exist!
Just like love you knows he's there
Waiting to be missed
Just like love I know he's there
Waiting to be be missed
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