Today was a great letter..because I have Two things I am Thankful for..the First, my family..Read the post above..
The Second?
My friends...I love my friends! I think that I have the greatest friends in the world. I only have enough space to put some pictures up, but I have so many amazing friends. Nan..She's the best friend a girl could ask for. Pam? Courtney? Wendy? Jana? You made my life so fun in Fallon...you still make it fun through Facebook. Santana and Cat..You make Virginia bearable! Beth, Susan, Kathleen...Old friends are always the greatest! Dru, Amy, Al, Misty, Bobby..(and Beth again) Camp Waziyatah holds my fondest memories! Angela...still the best Maid of Honor! Donna Darlene? One of the most incredible woman I have ever met. Nettie, Julie, Patty, Linda, Lisa Kent..You are all sooo big hearted and amazing! Tiffany..YOU ARE GREAT..(I will never do AYSO again though!! )Dan, Mark, David..Amazing men that I grew up with. (I think Dan and Dave ruined a few dates for me) The Sonju family...Grant and I admire you so much!
I know that as the day goes on I will think of a million more people, but for now, let me just say to all my Friends..."You complete me!"
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