I understand what people are saying..honestly. I agree..if you believe in Christ, He should be the center of this holiday. He should be celebrated. Not just at Christmas..but each and every day, and all throughout the year. Christians all over the world should unite and not just give lip service to Christ, but worship him..so "that those who don't know Christ, will come to know him, just by knowing you." That doesn't mean telling people what they should do..it means SHOWING them what it means to be Christ-like.
The month of December has other celebrations in it..each with an awesome story..and each should be celebrated. To say to someone.."You should say Merry CHRISTmas and not Happy Holidays" is telling them that no other December holiday should be observed. We live in a world where different beliefs must co-exist. Stores must serve all people, so when they say "Happy Holidays" they are not being disrespectful..they are honoring ALL the celebrations, ALL the beliefs, ALL the religions. To be offended when someone says "Happy Holidays" to you is just plain silly. They aren't denying Christ..They are wishing a Happy Time celebrating what YOU believe.
I believe in Christ. I believe in his teachings. I try to treat all people the way He would want me too. I have kept "Christ in Christmas" I have tried to teach my son the importance of keeping "Christ in Christmas." I do not get offended when I see "Happy Holidays" written on the windows of stores. It does not diminsh my faith, nor does it make me angry that people don't celebrate Christ. This season is more than the birth of Jesus. It is a time for the "Good will of Men to Shine forth." It is the season of pure and simple LOVE. It is the season where we put aside our petty differences, and love one another. Give the gift of love..of understanding.
So, I promise, I will keep "Christ in Christmas" but I may,on occasion, say Happy Holidays..not to offend, but to make sure that those around me know that I wish them, no matter their beliefs, a very Happy Time celebrating this magical season...