We're still in Fallon, and Grant is in Japan. We miss each other terribly. Hopefully, we will be together again in November. Keep us in your prayers, your fingers crossed, your breath held..whatever it takes to get the Caufield clan to Japan!
Grant is doing well. His ship is out to sea almost every week. He's busy, and looks amazing.
Macen is loving Day Camp. He loves to play his video gamess, and reads ALL THE TIME! He loves to play on Facebook, and he's learning how to do chores around the house!
I'm good. I'm bored. I miss Grant, and I am ready to move. I do get to go to more chick flicks these days, so not a total loss!
Happy Birthday to Linda, RJ, Cindy, Bill, Laurie, and Beth..oh and President Obama!
Well, we love you all. Drop us a line if you get the urge!