Monday, March 30, 2009

1st Monday

What Matters Most:

Fact: The average person spends:

100 hours a year commuting to work compared to 80 hours of vacation time.

91 hours a week at work for dual-career couples with kids.

1.8 hours a day doing household activities.

2.6 hours a day watching television

8.6 hours a day sleeping.


1. Stop and think...then make a list of what matters most to you.

2 Create a list of how you currently spend your time each week.

3. Organize your list of weekly activities: which are required? which are optional? which waste your time?

4. Take steps to rearrange your schedule or reduce the optional activities so that you can spend time doing WHAT MATTERS MOST.

5. Don't waste time.


This is your opportunity!

"Time spent on what matters most is never a waste of time."


  • My Family

  • My Marriage

  • My "Real" Friends

  • My Faith

  • My Pets

  • My Happiness

  • My "Mental" Health

  • Grant's Career (His enjoyment and ease)

  • My Health

  • My Home

  • My Dreams

  • My Goals

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