Monday, March 30, 2009

Starting today

I have a coffee table book that I bought a few months ago. I have been so busy that I wasn't able to really "read" it. Well, I started reading last night and I LOVE it, so I am going to share it with all of you. The book is titled "Every Monday Matters" So every Monday, I will post what I'm supposed to do..follow along..better yet, do it with me..
The book is very eye-opening.
It's fulfilling to be both valuable to someone and valued.
When you gravitate toward what brings you happiness, happiness gravitates toward you.
It is more rewarding to lift someone up than to let someone down.
You can give away yet still feel filled up.
Working for free can be more significant than working for money.
To consume less doesn't mean that we live without.
Satisfying someone else's needs can be a great source of self-satisfaction.
When we befriend our neighbor, we benefit the world.
I hope you all enjoy this as much as I think I will..

1st Monday

What Matters Most:

Fact: The average person spends:

100 hours a year commuting to work compared to 80 hours of vacation time.

91 hours a week at work for dual-career couples with kids.

1.8 hours a day doing household activities.

2.6 hours a day watching television

8.6 hours a day sleeping.


1. Stop and think...then make a list of what matters most to you.

2 Create a list of how you currently spend your time each week.

3. Organize your list of weekly activities: which are required? which are optional? which waste your time?

4. Take steps to rearrange your schedule or reduce the optional activities so that you can spend time doing WHAT MATTERS MOST.

5. Don't waste time.


This is your opportunity!

"Time spent on what matters most is never a waste of time."


  • My Family

  • My Marriage

  • My "Real" Friends

  • My Faith

  • My Pets

  • My Happiness

  • My "Mental" Health

  • Grant's Career (His enjoyment and ease)

  • My Health

  • My Home

  • My Dreams

  • My Goals

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weekly Update

Not much news.. except that Macen and I may not be going with Grant to Japan. We don't know for sure yet, but we'll let you know when we know...ya know?
Macen's head is fine after his "incident" at the school. He still has a slight bump, and his cut is slowly healing. He milks it every now and then. You know the old "I can't think about homework 'cuz my head still hurts!" He's going to use that for awhile I think!
I finally finished the last book in the "Twilight" series. Seriously..who let's their daughter marry the first Vampire she meets? ah well...Teenage love stories..I'm getting to old for them!
Grant is getting ready to head to Virginia for school. He's getting excited I think.
That's about it.Like I said, not a lot going on. Keep checking never know what might happen!
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Macen and his BB Gun

Here is my son (looking a little like the kid from "A Christmas Story" with his "Red Rider") Our good friend Randy gave this to Macen before he moved. Grant took him out this afternoon to teach him how to use it. How cute is he?

Here he is hunting that dastardly coke bottle. He got some good shots in.

Thanks Mr. Randy!!!!
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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Macen's Accident

On Thursday, Macen's school called to let me know that he had fallen and cut the back of his head. (This being the day after Natasha Richardson had died from a head injury) Grant picked Macen up and met me at the clinic here on base. They were just as concerned as we were, so they had him checked out right away. He got a clean bill of health, but we had to keep him under observation for the rest of the day. He is fine, but it was a long day. Everything he did I was right there to make sure it had nothing to do with the bump. I realize that it doesn't look like much in the picture, but the bump was big, and the cut was ugly!
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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Litter box cake

Ok..I know it looks gross, but this is the cake that I bought at the "Friends of Scouting" dinner last night. It's an actual cake! Adonna Crowley made it for the cake auction. The "poops" are tootsie rolls! It's going to school with me! My husband just laughed when I won it! There were so many "pretty " cakes, and I chose the litter box....
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

If you should be walking along a wooded path some moonlit night in Spring and hear the faint tap-tapping of a tiny hammer, you might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of an Irish leprechaun, the elfin shoemaker, whose roguish tricks are the delight of Irish story-telling.
According to legend, the leprechaun has a pot of gold hidden somewhere, and he must give up his treasure to the one who catches him. You'll have to step lively and think quickly to capture a leprechaun's gold though, because this sly little fellow will fool you into looking away an instant while he escapes into the forest.A story is told of the man who compelled a leprechaun to take him to the very bush where the gold was buried. The man tied a red handkerchief to the bush in order to recognize the spot again and ran home for spade. He was gone only three minutes, but when he returned to dig, there was a red handkerchief on every bush in the field.
As long as there are people to believe in the "little folk," there will be leprechauns to reflect the wonderful Irish sense of fun, and many a new story of leprechaun shenanigans will be added to Irish folklore each year

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Today's chuckle

A little girl asked her mother: 'How did the human race appear? 'The mother answered, 'God made Adam and Eve; they had children; and so was all mankind made.

'Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered, 'Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.

'The confused girl returned to her mother and said,'Mum, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?

'The mother answered, 'Well, Dear, it is very simple.I told you about my side of the family, and your father told you about his.'

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just a note

As most of you know, the show "Big Love" is a HBO Series that is based on a polygamist family in Utah. When the show came out, the producers promised the LDS Church that the show would not have a lot to do with our beliefs.My husband and I watch the show, and I can tell you for certain that the producers have exaggerated the way the church members act and react in situatuations. Up till now, I have had only had to correct a few things to my husband. Sadly, this week, the show is overstepping it's boundries. They are going to try and duplicate one of our most sacred temple ordianances. I am appalled. If you do watch the show, and you are not a memeber of our church I will ask you to do one of two things. Watch the show, and then call me. I will try and help you to understand what you have just seen. (please know, that I can not tell you everything..) Or just don't watch the show this sunday. I am not making a big deal out of it, and the following press release will explain why. The Temple and what goes on inside is very sacred to those of us in the LDS faith. We do not take our actions lightly, and we are proud of what we do. We do not like the fact that "former mormons" have mocked something that they once believed. If you are a what you see fit!

9 March 2009
Like other large faith groups, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sometimes finds itself on the receiving end of attention from Hollywood or Broadway, television series or books, and the news media. Sometimes depictions of the Church and its people are quite accurate. Sometimes the images are false or play to stereotypes. Occasionally, they are in appallingly bad taste.
As Catholics, Jews and Muslims have known for centuries, such attention is inevitable once an institution or faith group reaches a size or prominence sufficient to attract notice. Yet Latter-day Saints – sometimes known as Mormons - still wonder whether and how they should respond when news or entertainment media insensitively trivialize or misrepresent sacred beliefs or practices.
Church members are about to face that question again. Before the first season of the HBO series Big Love aired more than two years ago, the show’s creators and HBO executives assured the Church that the series wouldn’t be about Mormons. However, Internet references to Big Love indicate that more and more Mormon themes are now being woven into the show and that the characters are often unsympathetic figures who come across as narrow and self-righteous. And according to TV Guide, it now seems the show’s writers are to depict what they understand to be sacred temple ceremonies.
Certainly Church members are offended when their most sacred practices are misrepresented or presented without context or understanding. Last week some Church members began e-mail chains calling for cancellations of subscriptions to AOL, which, like HBO, is owned by Time Warner. Certainly such a boycott by hundreds of thousands of computer-savvy Latter-day Saints could have an economic impact on the company. Individual Latter-day Saints have the right to take such actions if they choose.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as an institution does not call for boycotts. Such a step would simply generate the kind of controversy that the media loves and in the end would increase audiences for the series. As Elder M. Russell Ballard and Elder Robert D. Hales of the Council of the Twelve Apostles have both said recently, when expressing themselves in the public arena, Latter-day Saints should conduct themselves with dignity and thoughtfulness.
Not only is this the model that Jesus Christ taught and demonstrated in his own life, but it also reflects the reality of the strength and maturity of Church members today. As someone recently said, “This isn’t 1830, and there aren’t just six of us anymore.” In other words, with a global membership of thirteen and a half million there is no need to feel defensive when the Church is moving forward so rapidly. The Church’s strength is in its faithful members in 170-plus countries, and there is no evidence that extreme misrepresentations in the media that appeal only to a narrow audience have any long-term negative effect on the Church.
During the Mitt Romney election campaign for the presidency of the United States, commentator Lawrence O’Donnell hurled abuse at the Church in a television moment that became known among many Church members as “the O’Donnell rant.” Today, his statements are remembered only as a testament to intolerance and ignorance. They had no effect on the Church that can be measured.
When the comedy writers for South Park produced a gross portrayal of Church history, individual Church members no doubt felt uncomfortable. But once again it inflicted no perceptible or lasting damage to a church that is growing by at least a quarter of a million new members every year.
When an independent film company produced a grossly distorted version of the Mountain Meadows Massacre two years ago, the Church ignored it. Perhaps partly as a result of that refusal to engender the controversy that the producers hoped for, the movie flopped at the box office and lost millions.
In recent months, some gay activists have barraged the media with accusations about “hateful” attitudes of Latter-day Saints in supporting Proposition 8 in California, which maintained the traditional definition of marriage. They even organized a protest march around the Salt Lake Temple. Again, the Church has refused to be goaded into a Mormons versus gays battle and has simply stated its position in tones that are reasonable and respectful. Meanwhile, missionary work and Church members in California remain as robust and vibrant as ever, and support for the Church has come from many unexpected quarters — including some former critics and other churches.
Now comes another series of Big Love, and despite earlier assurances from HBO it once again blurs the distinctions between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the show’s fictional non-Mormon characters and their practices. Such things say much more about the insensitivities of writers, producers and TV executives than they say about Latter-day Saints.
If the Church allowed critics and opponents to choose the ground on which its battles are fought, it would risk being distracted from the focus and mission it has pursued successfully for nearly 180 years. Instead, the Church itself will determine its own course as it continues to preach the restored gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Wow! What a weekend! We're back home in Fallon. Last Thursday, we went to St. George, Utah. We went for two big reasons. The first being my daddy's 70th Birthday. He doesn't like to talk about it, but I think it's an amazing landmark. My dad is an amazing man. I admire him so much. I gave him such a hard time growing up, and he still loves me. He gave our family a strong work ethic, and hasn't stopped working hard! He is brilliant, he is humble...and most of all he's a great dad! Happy Birthday Big Daddy!
The second reason was because I went through the St. George temple. We sealed my Grandma and Grandpa (for those of you who aren't sure what I am talking about, just ask) It was the greatest day ever!
My sister, Tracie came down from Salt Lake. She is so great. You all need to meet her. She makes me laugh. (And Trace..if you read this, the "naked" comment is etched in my memory!) My friend Nan surprised me...I have to tell you that story. Since I got my temple recommend, I knew that I wanted to go to St. George. I asked Nan to come with me. She said that she was sorry, but there was just no way. I was sad..but I understood. On Friday morning as Grant and I were driving down St. George boulevard, he got a call on his cell phone. When I asked him who it was he told me that it was my sister and we needed to go pick her up. As he's saying this, we're passing by her hotel...He said.."Oh, she's at a new hotel." As we pull up to the red light, I say "You're lying to me" He assured me that I was crazy and we pulled into the Suites parking lot. As he opened the truck's door..I asked him if Nan was here..He just smiled..and sure enough, my friend Nan had flown down from Reno early early early to be with me in the temple! How great is she?
The Temple experience was so amazing that I don't have the words to describe it. As I walked into the Temple's chapel with my mother, most of my family was there. (Kim and were missed greatly)My dad, My Uncle Doug and Aunt Nancy were there, along with my Aunt Katherine. My Bishop and his wife were there, sitting nexzt to Nan. My brother Bill and his wife Gina were in front, and two of my parents friends were there to walk us through the day. (Ann and Randy, thank you again for everything) Tracie had done work for my Grandma J and the day wouldn't have been the same without her. You'll read this line again..but I trult believe that Heaven will be alot like that day!
I met my nephew RJ's beautiful fiancee Kirsten..She is perfect...What an amzing weekend! Thank you to all who were there!
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The St. George temple

As most of you know I am LDS. (aka MORMON) and going to the temple is a huge part of our beliefs. I, being the rebel child, took a very long time to be able to go inside. After Katie died, going to the temple became a big part of my life. On Friday, March 6th (my dad's 70th birthday) I went. It was one of the most amazing days of my life. I can't tell you all that goes on, but trust me when I say....WOW! It was so beautiful, and so amazing. I am very blessed to have had the opportunity. I think it was the closest to Heaven that I've ever been. As I walked into the chapel inside the temple, I got a glimpse of what Heaven will be like.
This is what is written on the front of ALL of the temples
The Christus inside the Visitor's Center....
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Friday morning we had to run to Lowe's to get some things for Katie's grave. We can't pass a riding mower without testing it out!

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Visiting Katie Bug

On Friday morning Grant, Macen and I went to visit and decorate Katie Bug's grave. It was a beautiful day. She was placed in the perfect spot.
The cemetary is a memorial to all the armed services. Here's a picture of the monument.

The line at the bottom says it the best.."Great shall be their reward and Eternal shall be their Glory."
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My Family is forever

After the Temple on Friday we got some pictures of part of my family. My mom and dad, Tracie and myself outside the temple entrance.
My mom
Nan and I
Here's Aunt Nancy, Uncle Doug, Mom and Dad, Me, Tracie and Aunt Kathy
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Sue's Pet Castle

Here's the Pot Belly pig that I wanted. Grant said no....I would have named him either Little Dude, or Link.
Here's the Bulldog Grant wanted...
Here's the pug that Nan wanted!
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Visiting the temple

Here is a view of the St. George temple at night. Beautiful, awe inspiring....
My mom and Macen knocking at the Temple doors!
My son...
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The montains of St. George

If you have never been to St. George, try to go! It is one of the prettiest spots in the world. The red mountains are a sight not to be missed.
Macen was born in St. George. It's said that if you are a native you were born with red dirt in your shoes!
This is on the way through Snow Canyon. Look how white the rocks are!
What a view!
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The shoe tree

Here in Fallon..well, on the outskirts of Fallon, we have a "shoe tree" I'm not exactly sure how it started, I've heard lots of different stories, but it is still a sight to behold!

Thousands of shoes are in the tree, and a whole mess more down below near the roots!
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