Monday, January 5, 2009

We got our Orders!

Okay, so after years of fighting it, my husband got orders to Yukosuka, Japan. We'll be leaving sometime in July. He'll be on the Curtis Wilbur. I'm getting excited..Macen is thrilled, and Grant can hardly wait!
Here's a picture of Grant's new ship.
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Anonymous said...

It is about time he picked orders. At least you all get to go together. Congratulations. After you get settled, you need to make it up North to the Ice Festival in the winter. I think it is in January.

The Flake Family

Tiffany said...

Ah, I am jealous, we loved it there. We really regret not making the dang ice festival, we really wanted to see that. There is so much to do and see, you will love it there.

LeAnn said...

Well, I was hoping we'd be neighbors on the east coast but I think that's a great opportunity!!!