Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Weekly Update

Hi all! I know..It's Tuesday. I'm a little late doing my update! I hope you all had a great weekend. We sure did! Poor Macen was sick all last week. He went to school on Monday with a cough. We went to T-ball that night and by the time we got home he had a sore throat, a nasty nose, and the cough was never-ending. He got up Tuesday with an earache. He stayed home from school, and I got him into the Doctor on Wednesday. He had the starting of an ear-infection so he he was home with me again. He didn't have school on Thursday or Friday because of Teacher-parent conferences. He was feeling so much better by Friday that he got to play outside. I swear, he didn't want to come in! Grant was at TopGun raceway almost all day on Saturday, so Macen and I went grocery shopping. It was nice to have him helping me. He loaded the bags in to the truck and helped me carry them all in the house! I know why we have kids now..CHEAP LABOR! Macen had to stay home from church on Sunday. We didn't want to risk him catching anything while he was on the verge of a full recovery. We took a family walk and had such a great day. By the time Monday rolled around Macen was ready to be away from me! He went to school and felt good all day. He kicked butt at T-ball last night, and has gone almost 24 hours without a cough or a runny nose! (knock on wood)
Pam Forsch lent me the new Jodi Picoult book "Change of Heart" last week and I can't put it down! If you get a chance..read it! Thanks Pam!!!
Okay: I have a job for all of you reading this. My 39th birthday is a little over a month away. That means in a little over a year I will be 40!! So, I am going to do my own bucket list. ( If you haven't seen the movie, a bucket list is a list you make of things you want to do before you "kick the bucket") I want to make a list of things that I will accomplish before I turn 40. So..here's what I need from all of you..come up with ideas for me. I have a few, but I need to be more daring..so if you have any ideas, comment on my blog, or you can email them to me at shancauf@yahoo.com. I'll gather them all together and I'll post my list by my birthday and we'll see how many I can get done in a year!
A private note to Tiffany: Nice blond moment...I wish we had a video of it!

That's it for now. Enjoy your week. Don't forget to take the poll!

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1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Sky Diving, that is something I want to do before I kick the bucket.