Macen and I took another walk on Yorktown beach...It was very cold, but very beautiful. We walked the opposite way then yesterday. It was so fun. I cherish days like today. We talked about the tide. We searched for shells. We through rocks. We played. Macen told me his plans for the future. I can't lie, I am excited for him to go to school tomorrow, but I love day like this...just me and my son...
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from the Beach

1. Life changes with every tide.
2. Keep your eye on the horizon..there is always something beautiful to see
3. Life has days of rain, but it doesn't last. While it's raining it's replenishing Nature
4. Enjoy the Sun
5. You need to relax, put your a$$ in the sand, and your feet in the water. Life can stop for a moment
6. Life is like a day at the beach. You come to the beach full of excitement and looking for adventure. You leave a little overworked, a little worn out, and look forward to going home
7. There IS a God. You can't spend anytime at the beach without noticing His handy work.
8. Life goes on. The horizon last forever
9. Trouble is like the sand in an oyster. It may irritate, it may hurt, but in time you become a Pearle
10. A bad day at the beach is always better than a good day at work!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Weekly(ish) Update

Macen went to a birthday party last Saturday. Maria is a girl in his class who is also a neighbor. He calls her his girlfriend..but not THAT kind of girlfriend. She is a girl who is a friend. (He reminds me of this every day!) After the party, she and her sister came to our house to play. If I could have recorded them I would have won $10, 000 on America's Funniest Video's.
Grant celebrated 20 years in the Navy this week. I am so stinkin' proud of him! He's ready to retire, but I think he'll miss the daily Navy life.
Macen had his second sleep over. It's nice to see him making friends. I was so tired the next day that I swore the next time, Grant gets to be in charge
We had Macen's doctor's appointment to get his medication. If you haven't already checked out his blog you should. The doctor wants him to keep a journal of his experiences. Macen is pretty funny. He didn't want to go on any medication. When I asked him why he said "Because now I can't tell the teacher my Asperger's is acting up."
Grant is still underway. He's probably not going to make it home for his Birthday. (We just realized he has missed celebrating his birthday with us for most of out married life)
I'm doing well. I miss Grant, but Macen keeps me busy. This winter in Virgina has been snow free so I'm happy about that.
Well, that's about it. We love you all!! Drop me a line to let me know how you're doing
Thursday, January 26, 2012
20 Years!

20 years ago today my very amazing husband joined the Navy! I can not tell you how proud I am of him. He does incredible work. He is the greatest thing that ever happened to the Navy! It takes dedication to stay in the military for 20 years. He balances his career and his family with perfection (it probably helps that I am an amazing Navy wife...)
Grant, I love you so much! Thank you for being so wonderful!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
My Sweet Princess

To You
The White Rose
All the earth's mothers were gathered together at God's garden of flowers; Those beautiful budding spirits, who would someday come to earth, were nurtures and tended in the garden. A loving Father, spoke to the Mothers; "See the works of my hands, someday you will be the mothers to these radiant spirits." The garden glowed with the mixture of all kinds and colors.
"Choose ye," he said.
Now, in the east corner of the garden pure white roses stood as sentinels. They were not as colorful as the rest, but glowed with a kind of purity which set them apart. One by one mothers stepped forward. "I want the blue eyed curly haired one, who will grow to maturity and be a mother in Zion" Yet another chose a brown eyed, brown haired boy, full of life and love who would someday be a prince in a grand country. The garden buzzed with excitement as the others chose their own special spirits, those whom they would soon welcome into warmth and love of an earthly home.
Once again the loving Father spoke, "But who will take the white roses, the ones in the east corner of the garden? These will return to me in purity and goodness, they will not stay long in your home, for I must bring them back to my garden for they belong with me, but they will gain bodies as was planned, you will miss them and long for them, but I will personally care for them."
"No, not I," many said, in unison. "I couldn't bear to give one back so soon." "Nor I," said others. "We will take those who will remain and grow to maturity and live long lives."
The loving Father looked out across the multitude of mothers with a longing in his eyes for someone to step forward.
Then he said; "See the most pure and perfect of all the white ones? I Chose Him. He will go down and be a sacrifice for all mankind. He will be scorned, mocked, and crucified. He is mine own. Will not anyone choose like unto him?"
A few mothers stepped forward.
"Yes Lord, I will." Then another. "I as well," Yes we will Lord."
Soon all the pure white roses were taken, and they rejoiced in the choices of the mothers.
The Father spoke again, "Oh, blessed are you who chose the white roses, for your pain will be a heavy cross to bear, but our joy will be exceeding, beyond anything you can understand at this time."
The white ones embraced their mothers, and so full was their purity and love that it filled their souls with such endearment. Each mother knew they could endure the tasks.
And the greatest of all the white ones, gathered them as a hen gathers her chicks, and the outpouring of love surrounded each mother and child, consuming all the white ones as He prepared them for their task. And each mother who bore the weight of the White Rose, would feel the overwhelming love of God, as they all shouted, "Thy will be done."
Friday, January 20, 2012
Congratulations Rachael and Vincent!!!

Our Family is adding one more to the loony bin! My BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED, BRILLIANT niece got engaged last night!!! I am so happy for her! I am excited to meet her love very soon!
(Just a little trivia for you all...both she AND her sister changed their last initial form a "W" to a "D")
Rachael, I can't say it enough, we here in the Caufield home love you very very much. You deserve all the happiness in the world!! Congratulations!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Happy Birthday Tracy!

HaPpY BiRtHdAy to one of my FAVORITE sisters! I hope your day is awesome! You totally ROCK!!!
My sister Tracy is so great. I just love her to bits! She is kind, and loving. She is so smart. She gives freely. She is great with animals. She's a great mom and a fantastic sister. She makes me laugh alll the time!
So, sis..I hope this year brings you everything you wish for...I love you!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Happy Birthday Boner (aka Jeremy)
Friday, January 13, 2012
Happy Happy Birthday Matt

He's freaking AWESOME! He is trying to find his way and he makes me laugh. He's smart, cute and very very funny. He swears like a sailor (which you all know I have a thing for sailors) I am not saying that swearing is good, but Matt does it like a poet...
Matt, Happy Happy Birthday! I love you very very much!!!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Happy Birthday Geran (aka Elder Elkins)

We have three kinds of family.
Those we are born to,
those who are born to us,
those who are born to us,
and those we let into out hearts.
Today is my BFF's sons birthday..or as we like to call him "Macen's bruver from another Muver"
We are so proud of you Elder Geran! We love you and wish nothing but the best for you! We look forward to the day when we can all be together again!!! HaPpY HaPpY BiRtHdAy!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Weekly Update

Life is back to normal.. We enjoyed vacation but had to get back to the real world. Grant is back at the Cole.The new CO took command last week, and Grant likes him. He's getting ready to head out for a few weeks. He keeps talking about retiring, but that won't be for a bit. We spent the first part of last week trying to get our ID cards updated..The Navy computers kept going down so we got to see what the Coast Guard station in Yorktown looked like. Pretty cute base..I decide that living right on the water isn't the greatest in the winter because the breeze chilled me to the bone. We had a few issues with Grant's paperwork, but finally we got updated, so I can still call myself a Navy wife.
Macen is back to school and ready for another vacation. He says he wants school one week and vacation for two.. He is doing much better though. He is loving science. He's learning about energy and has been educating us on how we need to conserve more. He's not liking the cold weather and talks about missing St. George every time the wind blows here in Virginia. He is looking forward to spring so he can get back to the beach. (What can I say, he takes after his momma) It's hard for me to believe he's going to be 10! My baby isn't a baby anymore! We were looking through old pictures and found the one where we took him to the beach for the very first time...(I had to post it so you can see it too) It's amazing to me how time has flown by. He's so big now, but still needs me..
I'm still bored out of my mind. I have made some pretty good friends, but, like Macen, I don't do cold weather either, and miss my St. George. I'll get back there some day, even if it is just for a LONG vacation!
Well, that's about it. Have a good week. I'll update again soon! Love you all!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
And it begins

What a vacation we've had! Grant has been home more this past week than he has been all year! It's been awesome! Macen has stayed up late, slept in, played hard, and made new friends. I have enjoyed every second! This year we are looking at Grant's retirement, starting a new job, buying our first home, and re-learning how to be a "normal" family. I am looking to go back to school, getting a job, and re-learning how to have my husband home more. Macen is starting a new medication, joining the Scouting program, doing better in school, and coming to terms with having aspergers. It's going to be exciting for sure. I look forward to sharing our adventures with you on my little blog(s) Let me know how you are all doing..leave me comment, email me, facebook me..heck, you can even call me! Have a great New Year all of you and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Peace!
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