Tuesday, November 30, 2010
What I'm Thankful For...Day 15
Last night I had the honor of attending Donna Darlene's birthday party. I shouldn't say her age so I'll let you guess. If you guess 1 less than 71 or 1 higher than 69 you'd be right. She doesn't act it! She is an incredible woman, and I am grateful for her and for all my moms friends. The women at our "Bunco Party" are so awesome! Happy Birthday Ms. Donna. You have made my life better just by knowing you!

Monday, November 29, 2010
What I'm Thankful For....Day 15

That's right..I AM THANKFUL FOR FACEBOOK! Where else can you connect with long lost friends, stay connected with new friends, play games, poke people without ever having to touch them, and tell everyone what you're thinking right when you're thinking it? I love Facebook. I don't care that people mock me for it. I don't care if they get sick of me. It's been a sanity saver with Grant being in Japan.
My friends on Facebook keep me happy. They make me think about other things other than myself. I can't feel sorry for myself when I'm on Facebook. I know some of the most awesome people, and I get to hear from them almost every day. So, Thank you thank you Thank you Facebook!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
What I'm Thankful For...Day 14

Most of you know, that I don't really like to talk religion. I find it to be very personal. I can tell you what I believe, but I don't preach it. I would rather live it. But, I can not do a "Thankful for" list without Jesus Christ. I owe him a huge debt of gratitude that I can only hope to repay.
As we start this festive holiday let us remember that he is, after all, the
"Reason For The Season"
Saturday, November 27, 2010
What I'm Thankful For...Day 13

I am thankful for the start of the Christmas season..which in my house starts when Santa comes down the street at the end of the Macy's Day Parade. I love it. I wait for him..I feel like a kid all over again each year. Christmas is so much fun. I love the spirit of Christmas. I love the shopping, the songs, the food, the decorations. Mostly, I love the story of Christmas. The hope that once again there will be "Peace on Earth, and Good will towards Man." Merry Merry Christmas everybody! May this season bring all the joy you need!
Friday, November 26, 2010
What I'm Thankful For...Day 12

Okay, I LOVE pie. I mean, LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It is better than cake. I love Thanksgiving because it always comes with pie.
I am thankful for pie. I'm thankful that I can make ANY pie I want.
I am thankful for the fact that pie comes in so many different flavors....
I am thankful that my son and I got to eat pumpkin pie for breakfast today..and we LOVED it!
Let's give a shout out to PIE!
(and on a side note, baby...17 more days)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
What I'm Thankful For...Day 10

"The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving." ~H.U. Westermayer
Today, more than any other time of the year, I am thankful for the "pilgrims" who left the old world searching for a place that they could follow their own beliefs. They wanted to praise God in their own way. They took a ship through the rough waters of the Atlantic, facing sickness, death, and starvation along the way.When they arrived in that cold December, they realized that they had bitten off more than they could chew. That first year, they lost loved ones...but continued to build. They befriended the Natives, and with their help, learned to grow crops, and survive in the wild. The stories are amazing. These "Puritans" had more faith in God than I think most would. I honor them today, and thank God for their strength.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
What I'm Thankful For... Day 9
Today, and everyday, I am thankful for my husband. My incredibly awesome, sexy, sweet, loving, brave, strong, crazy husband. He makes everything better. He's a great dad. He's an amazing man. He's a devoted husband. He's everything I never knew I always wanted. I love you baby..and I can't wait to see you!
Monday, November 22, 2010
What I'm Thankful For..Day 8

Yes, that's right...I am thankful for Buddy the Elf. Elf is a movie about innocence, goodness, and Christmas cheer. I love the movie..but more importantly, I love his Christmas Spirit. He has it all year round. It's not about the "getting" for him..it's all about the GIVING. I know it's not time to do the "Christmas thing" but the movie was on last night. My sister Kim called to tell me. It made me laugh. We started this tradition of quoting a line from the movie "Santa's Coming!!" so when I picked up the phone all I heard was that. It changed my whole mood! Today's blog idea was Kim's and I'm so glad she thought of it! So, even though it's early..Merry Christmas everybody!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
What I'm Thankful For...(Macen's idea today)
I love Macen. I really really do. He is probably my greatest blessing. We were sitting together playing a game, and I asked him "What should I be thankful for on my blog?" He said.."Being a mom?" I told him that I did that already..He said, "Well, in that one you were thankful that you were a mom, now you should be thankful that you are MY mom!" So, I am. I am very thankful to be Macen's mom. That he chose me, out of ALL the other moms in heaven! He drives me crazy, makes me laugh, makes me furious, and then shows me what unconditional love is all about. I'll love him forever, I'll like him for always..as long as I'm living my baby he'll be!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
What I'm Thankful For...Day 6
My Grandma Wadley
My Grandma Johnson
My sister Tracie, my Aunt Cindy, my Cousin Jenni, my mom, my Aunt Nancy, my niece Rachael, my Aunt Karen, and below: my Cousins Heidi and Holly with my Aunt Cindy

Today I am Thankful for these women. These amazing women that I am fortunate enough to be related to. These women who set the standards for generations to come. These Women who inspire me to be a better person. These astounding women who go through heartaches of their own, but still manage to give love to those who need it. I am honored to know them. I wish I had pictures of all the women in my family. All my cousins, all my Aunts..And then there's my mother in law Linda, Gina, Kim, Sara, Rebecca, Courtney, Kaylee, Madison..my life is better for having known you all.
My Grandma Johnson
My sister Tracie, my Aunt Cindy, my Cousin Jenni, my mom, my Aunt Nancy, my niece Rachael, my Aunt Karen, and below: my Cousins Heidi and Holly with my Aunt Cindy
Today I am Thankful for these women. These amazing women that I am fortunate enough to be related to. These women who set the standards for generations to come. These Women who inspire me to be a better person. These astounding women who go through heartaches of their own, but still manage to give love to those who need it. I am honored to know them. I wish I had pictures of all the women in my family. All my cousins, all my Aunts..And then there's my mother in law Linda, Gina, Kim, Sara, Rebecca, Courtney, Kaylee, Madison..my life is better for having known you all.
Friday, November 19, 2010
What I'm Thankful for...Day 5

Today, I am thankful for our Founding Fathers. I am thankful for the wisdom, the fortitude, and the love that they had in creating this Nation. This mighty nation. This nation that has offered asylum to those who need it, promise to those who want it, and prosperity to those who work for it. This nation is still the "Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free" to all those who truly believe.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What I'm Thankful For...Day 4
Today, I am thankful to be a mom. To have given birth twice. I love my kids. They both brought (and bring) new meaning to my life.
Macen is my little man. He fills my day with so much laughter, so much joy, so much everything. I can not imagine a day without him. He makes me smile just thinking about him.
My sweet angel Katie..what joy she gave. Even though we only had her for a few months, she is still a big part of my little family. She's our own guardian angel!
So, to those of you reading this, hug your kids, call your kids..make sure that they know how much you love them...enjoy every moment you have with them.
And Macen: "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be!"
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What I'm Thankful For..Day 3
Charlie's Angels
It's nice to have Friends!
Today, I am thankful for my friends..and I have many. They are all amazing, wonderful, funny, awesome people. I wish I had more room to post all the pictures. There have been so many in my life..Susan,Beth,Jana, Chan, Courtney, Kathleen, Cat, Linda..along with the people you see in these pictures (Nan, Wendy, Pam, Patty,Julie, Nettie) These ladies have had a HUGE impact on my life. Each one of them have taught me so much. I will never be able to repay them for the love they have shown me! Thank you for being my friend!
Charlie's Angels
It's nice to have Friends!
Today, I am thankful for my friends..and I have many. They are all amazing, wonderful, funny, awesome people. I wish I had more room to post all the pictures. There have been so many in my life..Susan,Beth,Jana, Chan, Courtney, Kathleen, Cat, Linda..along with the people you see in these pictures (Nan, Wendy, Pam, Patty,Julie, Nettie) These ladies have had a HUGE impact on my life. Each one of them have taught me so much. I will never be able to repay them for the love they have shown me! Thank you for being my friend!
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