Tuesday, April 28, 2009
RJ and Kirsten
My handsome nephew, RJ is getting married. His beautiful bride Kirsten is AWESOME! I am so proud of both of them. They're getting married in May. I had to post this picture! RJ holds a special place in my heart. He always has, he always will! Congratulations you two! I love you both
Monday, April 27, 2009
Weekly update!
Wow! What a week! Grant is still in Virginia. (I pick him up on Sunday) Macen misses his daddy! Everyday he asks if daddy will be home. This 2 year separation is going to be tough!
Grant went down to John and Sara's this weekend. He had a blast! They all went to Busch Gardens! (I am so jealous) John took pictures so I'll blog them this week.
And for fun,I moved the furniture around in the family room..It looks nice..(It gave me something to do)Grant hates it when I do stuff like that, but I figure, he only has to live with it for 2 weeks, so he'll get over it..right?
That's it for now...
5th Monday!

- Annual cost for chronic conditions and diseases is BIG MONEY!
$117 billion for obesity
$66 billion for high blood pressure
$432 billion for heart disease and strokes
$50 billion for weight-loss aids, diet foods, supplements, and weight-loss medications,
yet obesity is still increasing
- 79% likelihood exists that an overweight child will become an overweight adult.
- 75% of adults don't eat the recommended daily 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables.
- Snack consumption by children has increased 300% from 20 years ago
- 400,000 people die annually from poor eating habits and laziness.
- French fries are the most widely eaten vegetable
- If you suffer from or have a family history of any of the mentioned chronic conditions or diseases, consult your family physician for dietary counseling.
- Although every individual is unique in his/her dietary needs, here are some ideas to help:
- Eat fewer foods with refined grains and sugars; reduce your intake of fatty foods; and eat smaller portions.
- Eat more dark green vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains, low-fat milk products, and lean meats.
- Eat slowly so that you will feel full before you've overeaten.
- Don't reward yourself or children with food.
- Develop a routine and eat at similar times each day.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Limit snacking
You deserve to be in good health. For most, diabetes, hypertension, and other obesity-related chronic diseases are preventable by simply eating healthily and exercising. You will feel better than ever both mentally and physically- the only way to really live. If you don't want to do it for yourself or your wallet, do it for those who love you.
JUST START....one day at a time.
What do Teachers Make?
He argued, 'What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life
was to become a teacher?'
He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers:
'Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.'
To emphasize his point he said to another guest; 'You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest.
'You want to know what I make?
(She paused for a second, then began...)
I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor.
I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit
for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental.
You want to know what I make?'
''I make kids wonder. I make them question.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.
I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding isn't everything.
I make them read, read, read.
I make them show all their work in math. They use their God-given brain, not the
man-made calculator.
I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know in
English while preserving their unique cultural identity.
I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.
I make my students stand, placing their hand over their heart to say the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag, One Nation Under God, because we live in the
I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow
their hearts, they can succeed in life.'
'Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't
You want to know what I make?
What do you make, Mr. CEO?'
His jaw dropped, he went silent.
Monday, April 20, 2009
4th Monday..It's a big one!

- 800 tornadoes are reported annually.
- The average path of a twister is 660 feet wide and up to 50 miles long.
- 39 states are considered at risk of an earthquake.
- 46% of disaster deaths occur due to floods.
- Because of contamination, clean water is harder to find than food after a flood.
- A tropical storm becomes a hurricane when the speed of its winds reaches 74 mph.
- September 11, 2001, will always be a reminder of the reality of terrorist attacks and the damage they can cause.
- Develop a family communication plan by selecting a person outside of your local area for everyone to call in case of an emrgency.
- Ensure every member of your family knows the phone number and has coins or a prepaid phone card for calling the emergency contact. Cell phones ofter get jammed due to high call volume during disasters
- Designate a primary and secondary meeting location.
- Create an emergency supply kit with a 3-day supply of basic items such as: fresh water, food, first aid, towelettes, garbage bags, a flashlight with extra batteries, local maps, a whistle, dust masks, tools, a can opener, and cash. (Check , rotate, and restock every 6 months)
Disasters are never planned, but they will happen. They are inevitable.
Being prepared is the only thing you can do.
Having proper supplies and a well-thought-out plan can make all the difference in your survival.
Readiness will also reduce fear, anxiety, and potential losses.
I read this one and I actually am excited to say that I am already doing this. Ever since the Hurricane in Virginia, I am a very strong believer in "BEING PREPARED"
Sunday, April 19, 2009
'Da Boyz
Grant decided to flash me
then Macen followed
Well, you see what happens!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
3rd Monday..(A little late)

and was created as a legacy to 9-year-old Amber Hagerman, who was kidnapped while riding her bicycle in Arlington, Texas, then brutally murdered.
- 76% of abducted children who are murdered are dead within 3 hours of the abduction and 88.5% are dead within 24 hours.
- 336 children have been reunited with their families because of AMBER Alerts.
- 70% of people with cell phones are eligible to receive Wireless AMBER Alerts as text messages.
- 100% of computers can have the AMBER Alert ticker downloaded onto them.
- AMBER Alerts are active in ALL 50 STATES
- Pay attention to AMBER Alert signs on the freeway or on TV
- Sign up to receive AMBER Alert text messaging on your cell phone
- Download the AMBER Alert ticker on your computer
- If you see or receive an AMBER Alert signal, don't take it lightly. The perpetrator might be closer than you think!
Protecting children from abduction and locating those who have been abducted is the twofold purpose of AMBER Alerts. They increase the number of people who can help locate an abducted child or deter predators, and they have caused perpetrators to release the abducted child after hearing or seeing the AMBER Alert. Remember, those first three hours are everything to that child and his/her family.
Let's help to reunite them!
SO, yesterday I signed up to get the AMBER Alert on both my cell and computer...who knows what could happen!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Message

The First Presidency
Thomas S. Monson
Henry B. Eyring
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Happy Easter
Happy Easter 2009
Here's Macen coloring his eggs
Cheese..or should I say CHEESEY????
Macen's Talk in Primary

Here it is: (thanks to Mormonshare.com)
"Have you ever wondered why we get Jelly Beans in our Easter Baskets? Here's why:
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Crazy Hair Day!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Macen and his Robot "Robie"
Funny part of the Movie I guess!
My boy and his friend!
Monday, April 6, 2009
2nd Monday: turn off tv turn on life

- Designate certain TV-free times throughout the week to reduce viewing hours
- MAKE A LIST OF ACTIVITIES to do besides watching TV-- Activities like reading, biking, swimming, walking, gardening, or socializing with friends. THEN START DOING THEM!
- Be more selective about programming and choose history, travel, cooking, home repair/design, and other educational themes.
70% of people say that no matter how hard they try, they never seem to have enough time to do everything they need to do. Are you part of that 70%? If you give up TV for just one day a week, you can exercise for the recommended weekly amount necessary for healthy living, read over 20 books a year, or spend more time with your loved ones!
Instead of watching reruns of FRIENDS go make some!
* So this is one will be a tough one for me, since I LOVE TV! I am going to try it starting today..I'll let you know what I start doing with my "Free Time"
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Show -n- Tell with Macen and Scout
Macen had show-n-tell today. He decided he really wanted to show off "his" dog Scout. Grant came home for lunch and took Scout over to school. Scout was great, and Macen was awesome. He answered questions about Scout, and all the kids got to hear Scout bark and watched him do a few tricks.
Scout couldn't figure out all the smells!
Heres my boy getting ready to share!